Hornsea Amateur
Radio Club
CONSTITUTION (revisions: 23/9/98, 20/11/02, 28/11/18.)

  1. The Club shall be known as the Hornsea Amateur Radio Club.

  2. The aims and objects of the club shall be to further all aspects of amateur radio.

  3. Membership shall be open to all persons interested in amateur radio at the discretion of the Committee.

  4. Membership subscriptions shall be reviewed by the Committee from time to time and determined at the AGM. Certain members may be invited to pay a reduced subscription at the discretion of the Committee.

    Subscriptions shall be paid annually and are due at the AGM. Members in arrears of 3 months shall have their membership status reviewed by the Committee before cancellation of membership. Subscriptions of new members for the current year will be pro rata quarterly.

  5. The Committee shall be responsible for the administration and welfare of the club, premises, property and equipment and shall have the right to co-opt members as it considers necessary. They shall act as the Trustees of the club and be in financial control. The committee shall run according to the Committee Rules stated separately.

    The Committee shall comprise:

    The Chairman who shall be the Chairman of the Club and will be responsible for the conduct of meetings and has a casting vote in addition to his personal vote,

    The Vice Chairman,

    The Secretary who shall be responsible for keeping minutes of meetings and dealing with correspondence,

    The Treasurer who shall present a checked balance sheet at the AGM, will receive members subscriptions and manage the club accounts,

    Six ordinary members of the club.

    The quorum at Committee meetings shall be 60% of the committee for physical meetings and 80% for email/text/etc meetings and although these meetings are open to all members, only Committee members may vote.

    At a Committee meeting only a simple majority is required for proposals.

  6. The Annual General Meeting.

    Members shall be given 1 months’ notice in writing (by email and on the Club website) of the AGM, which will normally be held in November.

    Only notified business will be discussed and voted on at the AGM.

    The business of the meeting is to discuss proposals,

    elect officers and committee for the following year

    and presentation of the balance sheet.

    The AGM will appoint one or more independent persons to check the Club’s accounts for the year. The person/persons will serve the Club until the next AGM. The appointees should have no personal involvement with the club and in addition have some professional expertise in accountancy, though not necessarily in the professional grade of Accountant.

    Voting procedure shall be by show of hands or ballot.

    Proxy voting may be arranged through the Committee.

    Propositions shall be carried by at least two thirds of those present and eligible to vote. Elections shall be First Passed The Post.

  7. An Extraordinary General Meeting to deal with club matters, Committee conduct, or amendment of rules may be called by the Committee or 20% of the voting membership of the club.

    No business other than that specified in the notice calling the meeting shall be transacted.

    The voting procedure shall be as for the AGM.

  8. In the event of winding up the club's affairs, the assets, after settlement of all outstanding debts, shall be divided among the members in proportion to the lengths of their current paid-up membership.

Committee Rules. 30th January 2023

  • These rules may be amended, within the controls of the basic constitution, by a Committee meeting, and the club informed via email within the week.
  • Meetings are open to all paid up members. Anyone may speak through the chair but only Committee Members may vote.
  • A quorum of 60% for physical meetings. The quorum for e-meetings via internet or phone for urgent matters shall be 80%.
  • A simple majority for committee proposals.
  • For heavy items a proposal may be made to co-opt all present onto the Committee for the duration of that meeting.
  • The casting vote should be for the Status Quo wherever possible.
  • The club may give Honorary or Life Membership of the Club to those who have been of great service to the club. Any two members may nominate anyone. The nomination shall be passed to the elected committee members for consideration and if approved a proposal shall be put to the members at a General Meeting of the club. Following committee discussions:
  • All the family members of a paid-up member of the club shall be considered members of the club, with only the paid-up members having a vote and a share in any pay-out from club funds.