Hornsea Amateur
Radio Club
N1MM - Contest logging.
by John G3XYF

Basic operation - stand alone logging , computer not connected to rig.

  Click: FILE, drop down menu appears,
  For the RSGB 80m CC series
  Click : RSGB80MCC
  Check Start date and time – correct if necessary
  Proceed down the boxes
  Click : Operator SINGLE OP
  Click : Band  80M
  Click : Power  LOW   ( for 100w) 
  Click : Mode  CW     or    SSB , if doing DATA  choose DIGITAL ( not PSK or RTTY)* 
  Click : Overlay   N/A   
  Click : Station FIXED
  Click : Assisted NON-ASSISTED
  Click : Transmitter   ONE 
  Click :  Sent Exchange  #
           Operators – ensure your own Callsign is in the box 
  Click :  OK  when finished

*DIGITAL option gives you both PSK and RTTY for the 80m Data section and you can toggle between the two modes. It will also allow you to work the same station on both modes without thinking it is a dupe QSO.

When you have clicked OK you should have window to start logging. When Computer is not connected to you rig you will have select 80m again in this window ( it defaults to 20m for some reason)

You are now ready to start logging, put the call you have worked in the large box with flashing cursor and press the space bar. The cursor will jump to the extreme right box for his serial number. Put the number in and press enter. Your serial (to send) will shown as soon as you press space bar.

You should see the log appearing on your screen, you can move small window around to prevent obscuring the log. Just hold your arrow on the top part of the window and drag.

Try a few dummy entries to get the hang of it. Use F12 key to wipe an entry.

You can also correct any log entries by placing your arrow on the part you need to edit, again have a dummy run.

When the contest has finished save your log as follows:

It will offer you a few checks, if all is well Click : OK
Then it will give the log your call as a title ( alter to your own title choice if necessary)

My computer defaults to saving on Local disc, I save logs on my Desk top. Make sure you save the log to somewhere you can find it easily ( for uploading to RSGB Contest site) If you use Logbook Of The World (LOTW) and/or Club Log save it again as an ADIF file and upload it to LOTW / Club Log.

picture of John G0TPS

NB I am no expert with N1MM, the above notes are for anyone to get started.

You can connect your rig to your computer and use N1MM to send the contest exchange when on CW. I cannot help you there – I had some welcome help to do that. Further more when using DATA, N1MM can work combined with FLDIGI, but again that is beyond my capabilities – hi!

GL in the contest OM